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Quartzsite, Arizona
We at KBUX are proud to be the first locally-owned and operated music station in Quartzsite, Arizona, and can boast a listening audience from November to March of between 750,000 to 1,000,000 people who winter in or visit Quartzsite. In February we have our world famous Gem and Mineral Show. Folks literally from around the world come to Quartzsite.

Our town is intersected by Interstate 10 which connects Los Angeles with Phoenix, and US Highway 95 connecting Yuma with Bullhead City, Laughlin, and Las Vegas. In 1988 (from January to June), we made a study of traffic flow in Quartzsite:
Trucks per month averaged:    103,376
RVs and cars per month averaged:    253,036
Since our 1988 study and including the earlier months when many of our winter visitors begin to arrive, from November to March our population (normally approximately 2,500) explodes to an unbelievable proportion - to between 750,000 to 1,000,000 - estimated by our town officials, the Quartzsite Police, and the Arizona Highway Patrol.

At present our station reaches out 16 miles (we have plans to grow) - yet, in essence we are a very large station reaching over 750,000 listeners living within this area in mobile homes, RVs, or trailers. The majority of the population - even the truckers - are in the age range who love our kind of music, reporting around town they listen only to KBUX and to no other station. They love us! We play all their old favorites!

A very high percentage of snowbirds leave a second car here or tow a car behind their rig, enabling them to take many winter side trips with snowbird friends. A typical snowbird evening is picnicking and/or having fun with friends while listening to KBUX and making plans for the next side trip to anywhere within a 300 mile radius, or further, for more fun with their group and spending money.

Whether from their car, truck, or among the at least 750,000 in RVs, trailers and mobile homes, our audience WANTS TO KNOW while listening to KBUX: "Where can we go for the best food and the best price?", or, "What do we need while traveling, living, or staying in the desert?", or "Which personality is appearing at the different show places?", or....

Give us a call and get your NAME RECOGNITION in this lucrative area.

KBUX - 24 Hrs - In Stereo - On the air since 1988

Please click on our sponsors' ads to support us. Thanks!

KBUX Radio
16031 Camel Drive, PO Box 1
Quartzsite, Arizona 85346
(928) 927-5111

E-Mail us at KBUX Radio for more information
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